Prof. Dr. E. Rahm und Mitarbeiter:
"Datenintegration" (WS 00/01)



Thema 1: Mediator-Architekturen

- Wiederhold, G.: Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems. IEEE Computer 25 (3), 1992.

- Tork Roth, M., Schwarz, P.: Don't Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources. Proc. VLDB Conf., Athen, 1997.

- Domenig, R., Dittrich, K. R.: An Overview and Classification of Mediated Query Systems. ACM SIGMOD Record 28 (3), 1999. SINGAPORE/index.html.

- Stonebraker, M.: Integrating Islands of Information, EAI-Journal, Sep./Oct. 1999.


Thema 2: Integration von Web-Datenquellen

- A.Y. Levy, A. Rajaraman, and J. J. Ordille. Querying heterogeneous information sources using source descriptions. In 22th Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 251 - 262, Bombay, India, 1996

- Doan, A.H.; Domingos, P.; Levy, A.Y.: Learning Source Description for Data Integration. Proc. 3rd Intl. Workshop The Web and Databases (WebDB), 2000.

- Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Wei Han: XWRAP: An XML-Enabled Wrapper Construction System for Web Information Sources. ICDE 2000: 611-621

- World Wide Web Wrapper Factory.

- Cohen, W.: Some practical observations from integration of Web integration. Proc. WebDB99,


Thema 3: Website Management

-Mary Fernandez, Daniela Florescu, Alon Levy, Dan Suciu: Declarative Specification of Web Sites with Strudel. VLDB Journal 2000. alon/site/files/

- Corin Anderson, Alon Levy, Dan Weld: Web-site Management with Tiramisu. Proc. DB Workshop, SIGMOD 1999. homes/alon/site/files/

- P. Atzeni, G. Mecca, P. Merialdo To Weave the Web. Proc. VLDB'97.

- Li Chen, Kajal T. Claypool and Elke A. Rundensteiner. SERFing the Web: The Re-Web Approach for Web Re-Structuring. WWW Journal - Special Issue on "Internet Data Management", 2000.


Thema 4: DB-Speicherung von Internet-Daten (Oracle 8i vs. DB2)

- Hui-I Hsiao, Inderpal Narang: DLFM: A Transactional Resource Manager. SIGMOD Conference 2000: 518-528

- Oracle online documentation / white papers

- DB2 online documentation / white papers


Thema 5: XML-Datenspeicherung

- D. Florescu, D. Kossmann: Storing and Querying XML Data using RDBMS. In: IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 22, No. 3, September 1999.

- A. Deutsch, M. Fernandez, D. Suciu: Storing semistructured data using STORED. International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 1999, pp. 431- 442.

- J. Shanmugasundaram, H. Gang, K. Tufte, C. Zang, D. J. DeWitt, J. F. Naughton: Relational Databases for Quering XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities. Very Large Databases Conference (VLDB99), pp. 302- 314

- A. Schmidt et al.: Efficient Relational Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents. Proc. WebDB 2000,


Thema 6: XML-Query-Sprachen

- A. Bonifati, S. Ceri: Comparative Analysis of Five XMLQuery Languages. SIGMOD Record 29(1), 2000

- D. Chamberlin et al.: Quilt: An XML Query Language for Heterogeneous Data Sources, WebDB 2000,


Thema 7: Datenintegration durch Data Warehousing

- Jarke, M., Lenzerini, M., Vassiliou, Y., Vassiliadis, P.: Fundamentals of Data Warehouses. Springer, 2000.

- Calvanese, D., De Giacomo, G., Lenzerini, M., Nardi, D., Rosati, R.: A Principled Approach to Data Integration and Reconciliation in Data Warehousing. Proc. DMDW '99, Heidelberg, 1999.

- B. Mendelzon. Data Warehousing and OLAP -- A Research-Oriented Bibliography, 1998.


Thema 8: Informations-Portale

- Shilakes, C.C.; Tylman, J.: Enterprise Information Portals. Merrill Lynch, Inc., New York, 1998.

- White, C.: Using Information Portals in the Enterprise. DMReview Dezember 1999.

- Gräfe, S.: Evaluierung von Portalwerkzeugen in Data Warehouse-Umgebungen. Instistut für Informatik, Diplomarbeit, Aug. 2000.


Thema 9: EAI: Enterprise Application Integration

- Diverse Artikel in EAI Journal.:

- Leymann, F.: A Practitioner's approach to data federation. 1999

- Sellentin, J. (2000): Konzepte und Techniken der Datenversorgung für Informationssysteme. Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung 15( 2): 92-109.

- CORBA-Ansätze:

- MQSeries: Technische Dokumentation

- BizTalk: