
DAMIA - a Data Mashup Fabric for Intranet Applications


Dr. Volker Markl, IBM Almaden Research Center



Felix-Klein-Hörsaal, Johannisgasse 26


Damia is a lightweight enterprise data integration service where line of business users can create and catalog high value data feeds for consumption by situational applications. Damia is inspired by the Web 2.0 mashup phenomenon. It consists of (1) a browserbased user-interface that allows for the specification of data mashups as data flow graphs using a set of operators, (2) a server with an execution engine, as well as (3) APIs for searching, debugging, executing and managing mashups. Damia offers a framework and functionality for dynamic entity resolution, streaming and other higher value features particularly important in the enterprise domain. Damia is currently in perpetual beta in the IBM Intranet.

In this presentation, we describe IBM’s Info 2.0 vision and highlight the Damia project. We further showcase the creation and execution of an enterprise data mashup, thereby illustrating the architecture and features of the overall Damia system.

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