Part 1: Friday, May 27th, 2016
13:30 - 17:00
- Topic 1: Qing Wang (ANU): Clustering-based framework to incrementally repair entity resolution
- Topic 2: Dinusha Vatsalan (ANU): Privacy-preserving record linkage
- Topic 3: Ziad Sehili: Multiparty PPRL using metric space
Part 2: Wednesday, June 1st 2016
9:00 - 12:00
- Topic 5: M. Junghanns (Probevortrag NDA or Graph Pattern Matching using Simulation)
- Topic 6: Andreas Krause (Graph Pattern Matching using Subgraph Isomorphism)
- Topic 7: Bugge (Performanzanalyse von Alluxio unter Verwendung Java basierter Cluster Computing Frameworks)
- Topic 4: Lieder (Anforderungsanalyse und Implementierung zur Migration der DBS-Webseite unter Verwendung aktueller CMS)
Part 3: Friday, June 24th 2016
13:30 - 17/18:00
- Topic 8: A. Petermann: Distributed Frequent Subgraph Mining with Apache Flink
- Tpic 9: Nguyen (Frequent Subgraph Mining using the ‘Think like an embedding’ approach)
- Topic 10: Jeff Fisher (ANU): Entity Resolution Using Markov Logic
- Topic 11: V. Christen: Census Data Matching by using semantic relations
- Topic 12: Nentwig
Part 4: Wednesday June 29th, 2016
13:30 - 17:00
- Topic 13: Peukert (ScaDS / Big Data Projekte)
- Topic 14: Amman (RDF on Hadoop)
- Topic 15: Groß
- Talk 15:30 Prof. Dr. Peter Christen (ANU): Recent developments and research challenges in data linkage
Part 5: Wednesday July 6th, .2016
13:30 - 17:00
- Topic 17: Günther (Dokumentenserver) - maybe with guests from Uni L library UB
- Topic 18: Saedi
- Topic 19: Lani Lin
- Topic 20: Yannik Völker (Peer-to-peer Social Network)