The 17th Zingst seminar of the database group took place from June 14th to June 17th, 2022.
Graph Analytics
- Sung Geun Yun: Windowed Graph Stream Pattern Matching using Subgraph-Isomorphism (bachelor thesis)
- Christopher Rost: A Cypher extension for continuous queries
Data Integration
- Daniel Obraczka: Inductive Entity Alignment
- Marvin Hofer: Overview and Challenges of Knowledge Graph Construction
Privacy & Security
- Tim Matzeck: Attacks on PPRL using node embedding techniques (master thesis)
- Manuel Friedrich: Secure encoding for PPRL with shared secrets (bachelor thesis)
- Florens Rohde: Weighting for Bloom-Filter-based PPRL & Introduction to DataSHIELD
- Martin Franke: Estimating Linkage Quality in Real-World (Privacy-preserving) Record Linkage Applications
- Martin Grimmer: LID-DS - advances in intrusion detection using machine learning
- Maja Schneider: Privacy-preserving publishing of mobility data
- Anika Hannemann: Privacy-Preserving Multi Label Classification with Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE)
- Lucas Lange: Privacy-Preserving Detection of COVID-19 in X-Ray Images
Physics-informaed Machine Learning
- Nils Pfeifer: Modelling of heat flow in the additive production of metal components (master thesis)
- Benjamin Uhrich: Machine learning with digital twins in additive production
Other topics
- Torben Levin: Prioritization of content creation based on marketplace data (bachelor thesis)
See Moodle course for details.