- Presentation of running bachelor and master thesis
- Presentation of current projects and research of the database group
- Date: 17.06.19 - 21.06.19
- # Slots: 25
- # Staff: 15
- # Students: 10
Tuesday, 18.06.2019
09:00 - 12:00
- Topic 01: [Jonas Kreusch] - Meta-Blocking techniques in FAMER (MA)
- Topic 02: [Alaa Ashour] - Differential Privacy Preserving using K-means Clustering
- Topic 03: [Moritz Wilke] - Data Deduplication Challenge
- Topic 04: [Martin Grimmer] - Current research and projects of the IT security group
13:30 - 17:00
- Topic 05: [Matthias Täschner] - BIGGR - Review zum Projektende
- Topic 06: [Martin Frühauf] - Neuer Webauftritt der Datenbankgruppe (BA)
- Topic 07: [Daniel Ayala] - Property Matching using value examples
- Topic 08: [Andre Valdestilhas] - Towards an efficient way to extract information from heterogeneous datasets from Web of Data
Wednesday, 19.06.2019
09:00 - 12:00 Session on (Privacy-preserving) Record Linkage
- Topic 09: [Steven Lehmann] - Visualisierungstool für die Validierung von Record-Links und Clustern (BA)
- Topic 10: [Dominik Schwabe] - Erschließung und Evaluierung eines Matching-Datensatzes mit personenbezogenen Daten (BA)
- Topic 11: [Florens Rohde] - Patient identity management with PPRL
- Topic 12: [Ziad Sehili] - Post-Processing the result of MultiParty PPRL
- Topic 13: [Martin Franke] - Fast Mainzelliste (Fast ML)
13:30 - 17:00
- Topic 14: [Alieh Saeedi] - The challenges ahead real multi-source entity resolution
- Topic 15: [Marcus Stelzer] - Unterstützung forensischer Auswertungen (MA)
- Topic 16: [Georges Alkhouri] - Applying Model-Based Decision Making for Auto Configuration of Entity Resolution Systems
- Topic 17: [Markus Reinisch] - Determinanten des Studienerfolgs (BA)
- Topic 18: [Eric Peukert] - Overview to upcoming research projects
17:00 - 21:00
- Firmenlauf
Thursday, 20.06.2019
09:00 - 12:00
- Topic 19: [Anna Schröder] - Entwicklung eines NF²-Prototyps (BA)
- Topic 20: [Daniel Baumgarten] - Distributed Graph Layouting with Gradoop (MA)
- Topic 21: [Elias Saalmann] - Grable? - Gradoop on Flink Table
- Topic 22: [Christopher Rost] - Analyzing Evolving Graphs with Gradoop
16:30 - 20:00
- Stadthafen: Kanu & Barbecue

v.r.n.l: Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm, Christopher Rost, Andre Valdestilhas, Jonas Kreusch, Daniel Baumgarten, Martin Grimmer, Dr. Eric Peukert, Dr. Christian Martin, Ziad Sehili, Elias Saalmann, Martin Franke, Florens Rohde, Alaa Ashour, Daniel Alaya, Victor Christen, Markus Reinisch, Georges Alkhouri, Moritz Wilke, Caroline Mösler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Thor, Matthias Täschner, Marcus Stelzer, Ying-Chi Lin, Markus Nentwig. Es fehlen auf dem Foto: Kevin Gomez, Daniel Obraczka, Alieh Saeedi, Dr. Johannes Zschache.