- Eric Peukert
peukert [at] informatik [dot] uni-leipzig [dot] de
+49 341 97 39 301
Data Science Zentrum - Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Aritficial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI Dresden Leipzig),
Humboldstraße 25, 3. OG
4105 Leipzig
Since 12/2014 Data Science Zentrum (Zentrum für skalierbare Datenanalyse und Künstliche Intelligenz ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig), Management@Universität Leipzig (www.scads.de)
2011 – 2014 Researcher at SAP SE
2007 – 2011 Research Associate at SAP Research CEC Dresden, SAP AG
Graduation: Dr. rer. nat., Universität Leipzig, November 2013
Diploma in Computer Science and Media, Technische Universität Dresden, July 2007
Research Interests
- (Temporal) Graph-based Data Integration & Matching
- FAst Multi-source Entity Resolution system (FAMER)
- Big Data Frameworks
- Distributed Image Processing & Matching
Supervision of Thesis/ Lab-Projects
- Bachelor Thesis: Tim Matzek, Distributed Sum-Formula Lookup-Service (joint supervision with Dr. Oliver Lechtenfeld and Kai Franze from UFZ)
- Master Thesis: Kai Franze, Chemical Rules in Massspectrometry analysis workflows (joint supervision with Dr. Oliver Lechtenfeld from UFZ)
- Master Thesis: Georges Alkhouri, Deep Learning for Deduplication
- Master Thesis, Marcel Jacob, Effiziente Haltung und Abfrage geotemporaler Daten im Apache Hadoop-Ökosystem (Joint supervision with Martin Grimmer from MGM technology partners)
- Kevin Förster, Eignung von Workflow-Management-Tools für BigData- Aufgabenstellungen (co-supervised with Lars-Peter Meyer)
- Master Thesis , Wolfgang Amman, Vergleich und Evaluation von RDF-on-Hadoop Lösungen
- Master Thesis, Kevin Jacob, Verwaltung und Verarbeitung von Massenspektrometerdaten (joint supervision with Dr. Anika Groß from DBS-Group and Dr. Oliver Lechtenfeld, Julia Raeke from UFZ)
- Master Thesis, Florian Pretsch, Entwicklung von Techniken zur Datenintegration und Datenqualitätsverbesserung für die Graph-Processing-Platform GRADOOP (Joint supervision with Prof. Thor from HFTL)
- Bachelor Thesis: Katharina Thießen, Dedoop in KNIME
- Bachelor Thesis: Christian Fuß, Graph-based Similarity Measure for Matching in Gradoop
- Master Thesis: Christopher Rost, Image-based Deduplication
- Bachelor Thesis: Marc Stöhr, Graph-Transformation in Gradoop
- SHK, Florens Rohde, Machine Learning for FAMER
- SHK, Volodymyr Moroz, Graph Analytics Workflows in the Gradoop Service
- SHK, Anja Neumann, Visual Analytics of metabolic networks with the Gradoop Service
- SHK, Simon Hüning, Command Line Interface for Dedoop (finished)
- SHK, Falco Kirchner, Imputation with SLURM on HPC and Shared Nothing Architectures (Joint supervision with Holger Kirsten from IMISE)(finished)
Open Topics and Working Student Positions (see www.scads.de)
- Supporting Big Data Praktikum 2016, 2017, 2018
- Organizing Big Data Ringvorlesung 2017
- Vorlesung Cloud Data Management CDM 2017/18
- Vorlesung Cloud Data Management CDM 2019
- Vorlesung Cloud und Big Data Management CBDM 2020/21
- Vorlesung Cloud und Big Data Management CBDM 2021/22
- Vorlesung Cloud und Big Data Management CBDM 2022/23