- Prof. Dr. Erhard Rahm
rahm [at] informatik [dot] uni-leipzig [dot] de
+49 341 97 32-220 (Secretary)+49 341 97 32-221
+49 341 97 32-209
Universität Leipzig Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik,
Institut für Informatik,
Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Room: Paulinum 427
Selected Talks
- Data Integration for Knowledge Graphs. Keynote, LWDA Conf., Marburg, Oct 2023
- Multi-Source Data Matching and Clustering. Virtual Lecture Series on Database Research, Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) Potsdam, Jan 2022
- Record Linkage and PPRL with Clustering of Matches. Virtual TMF workshop oin Record Linkage, May 2021
- ScaDS.AI topics of database group (data integration for knowledge graphs, privacy-preserving data analysis, analysis of dynamic graph data), April 2020
- Scalable Graph Data Management and Analytics with GRADOOP. Computer Science Seminar at Australian National University (ANU) and Univ. of Sydney, April 2019
- Big Data Integration Research at ScaDS. Int. Summerschool on Big Data and Machine Learning, Leipzig, July 2018
- Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage for Big Data. Invited Talk, 2nd BMBF Big Data All Hands Meeting and Smart Data Innovation Conference, Karlsruhe, Oct. 2017
- Scalable Graph Analytics. Tutorial 3rd Int. ScaDS Big Data Summer School, Munich, Aug. 2017
- Holistic Data Integration for Big Data Keynote ADBIS Conference, Prague, Aug. 2016. . Paper
- Scalable and Privacy-Preserving Big Data Integration . Part 1: Big Data Integration. Part 2: Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage, Part 3: Graph-based Data integation and Analytics. Seminars at Big Data Winter School, Bilbao, Feb 2016
- Scalabale Graph Analytics with GRADOOP Keynote GvDB-Workshop, Gommern, May 2015
- Big Data Integration Research at the University of Leipzig. Colloquium Talk, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Feb. 2015
- BigData Integration at ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig. Colloquium Talk, RWTH Aachen, Dec. 2014
- Semantic ontology mappings: How to determine and use them. Colloquium Talk, Univ. of Paris-Sud, Oct. 2014
- Scalable Matching of Real-World Data. Keynote QDB workshop, Istanbul, Aug. 2012.
- Generic Schema Matching - Ten Years later. Ten-Year Best Paper Keynote at the VLDB Conf, Seattle, Sep 2011 (together with Phil Bernstein and Jayant Madhavan).
- Parallel Object Matching in the Cloud. Invited Talk FGDB meeting, HPI Potsdam, Nov. 2011
- Evolution and Merging of Real-life Ontologies. Keynote at the Italian Database Conference SEBD, Maratea, June 2011.
- Object Matching for Improving Information Quality. Talk at KIT (TU Karlsruhe), Nov. 2009.
- Instance-based Matching of Large Ontologies. Invited Talk at GvD Workshop, Rostock, June 2009.
- Comparing the Scientific Impact of Conference and Journal Publications in Computer Science. Invited Talk at Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) Conf., Berlin, Jan. 2008. Paper
- Dynamic Fusion of Web Data: Beyond Mashups. Keynote XSYM07-Symposium , Vienna, Sep. 2007. Paper
- Data Integration in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences. EDBT Summer School, Bolzano, Sep. 2007
- Object Matching in Peer-to-Peer Data Integration. Invited Talk at 2nd Int. Workshop on Exchange and Integration of Data (EID), Brixen, June 2006
- Matching Large Schemas with COMA++, Talk at Microsoft Research, Redmond, March 2005


Complete list of published Books
- ICDE 2013 Influential Paper Award
- VLDB Ten Year Best Paper Award, 2011
- MSR Outstanding Collaborator Award 2016
- Best Paper Award, HEALTHINF 2021
- Best Research Paper Award, ESWC 2018
- DKE Best Paper Award 2014
- Best Paper Award, ESWC 2013
- Best Paper Award, ICDE 2002
- Papers in “Best of” issues for VLDB 2004, BTW 2011, ADBIS 2013, ADBIS 2017
- LIFE award for best startup idea, 2012 (3rd place)
- Vize-Präsident der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (seit 2022)
- Sprecher GI Fachbereich Datenbanksysteme und Informationssysteme (DBIS) (2016-2021)

- gewähltes Mitglied des DFG-Fachkollegiums Informatik (2016-2020,2020-2024)
- Mitglied im Expertengremium der NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdaten-Infrastruktur), 2019-2022
- Mitglied im Senatsausschuss Wettbewerb der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2021-2025)
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Metop GnmbH, Magdeburg
- Journal editorships / PC memberships
- Studiengangleiter Master Data Science
- Tagungsleiter BTW2003 in Leipzig
- Vorsitzender Prüfungsausschuss Informatik (2005-2013)
- Erasmus coordinator / Beauftrager für Auslandsstudium der Fakultät (1/2006-12/2008)
- Member of directorial board of Bioinformatic Center (IZBI) Leipzig
- Member of the Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ) at the University of Leipzig